On Monday, August 12 all JH/HS students had the opportunity to get a chromebook bag. If your student was not at school or initially declined the opportunity please have them contact Mrs Tucker.
Weekly Activities for August 12 - 18!
‼️🥎The HS Softball game scheduled for Monday, August 12 has been cancelled. 🥎‼️
We are so excited to see all of our students tomorrow, August 8!! Just a reminder all Seniors & Vo-Tech Students need to be at school by 9am!
Seniors & Vo-Tech Students need to be at the High School by 9:00am with Chromebooks tomorrow.
August Menus!
Just a reminder ALL Students must be enrolled online before the start of school!! When enrolling your student please list a second or emergency contact in Step 2. Visit our website for direction on creating your account: https://www.cherokee.k12.ok.us/page/2024-2025-enrollment
If you already have an account visit: ok.wengage.com/cherokee to login then click on Student Records Portal to complete your enrollment.
Summer has flown by and we are excited to see all of our students next week! School starts on August 8th! If you have not enrolled or have not finished your enrollment please do so as soon as possible! Visit ok.wengage.com/cherokee to request your account or to finish the enrollment process.
School starts next week and we are excited to see all of our students! Elementary families are invited to our back to school event on Wednesday, August 7 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. The only supplies elementary students will need to bring this year is a water bottle and PK students also need to bring a towel for rest time!
HS Softball will play at 12:00pm on Monday, Aug. 12 in Enid, at Government Springs me Park.
Just a reminder ALL Students must be enrolled online before the start of school!! When enrolling your student please list a second or emergency contact in Step 2. Visit our website for direction on creating your account: https://www.cherokee.k12.ok.us/page/2024-2025-enrollment
If you already have an account visit: ok.wengage.com/cherokee to login then click on Student Records Portal to complete your enrollment.
Incoming 7th grade students and families:
Before 7th grade students can attend school in August, they must provide completed proof of Tdap Immunization. Oklahoma School Immunization laws require all students entering the 7th grade to have received one dose of Tdap vaccine or provide state approved waiver. This must be turned in prior to the start of school. Students are not allowed to attend until they receive the shot or we received documentation from the state.
Visit our website for immunization information and a link to the waiver.
Just a reminder ALL Students must be enrolled online before the start of school!! When enrolling your student please list a second or emergency contact in Step 2. Visit our website for direction on creating your account: https://www.cherokee.k12.ok.us/page/2024-2025-enrollment
If you already have an account visit: ok.wengage.com/cherokee then click on Student Record Portal to complete your enrollment.
Just a reminder! Enrollment is tomorrow, July 30, from 8:00am to 7:00pm at the HS Cafeteria for ALL Students. JH/HS Students will finalize class schedules and check out chromebooks. Elementary students will find out who their teacher is! All NEW students and students playing sports will have additional paperwork that needs to be filled out.
Looking for a sports schedule? Visit our website or school app & click on Athletics! https://www.cherokee.k12.ok.us/documents/athletic-schedules/63127
We are excited to announce school supplies will be provided again this year for all Cherokee students!!
Just a reminder ALL Students must be enrolled online. When enrolling your student please list a second or emergency contact in Step 2.
Visit our website for direction on creating your account: https://www.cherokee.k12.ok.us/page/2024-2025-enrollment
If you already have an account visit: ok.wengage.com/cherokee then click on Student Record Portal to complete your enrollment.
Just a reminder if you need help setting up your Sylogist Account or help completing the online forms stop by the HS Library. We have a help desk set-up until 2pm.
Online Enrollment Help!
We will have a help desk setup at the HS Library for anyone that needs assistance creating a Sylogist Account. Stop by on Wednesday, July 24 from 9:00am to 2:00pm. We will have staff and devices available to help create accounts.
Enrollment is open for the 2024-2025 school year. Accounts will only be activated from 8:00am to 2:00pm Monday - Thursday! Please do not request more than one account - you will receive an email from Sylogist when your account is activated. Click the link for more information: https://www.cherokee.k12.ok.us/page/2024-2025-enrollment